Happy Halloween!

Akibat halloween blog saya ini jadi terlupakan, kenapa? Itu karena di hari halloween banyak sekali even menarik dan juga rare item yang disediakan oleh perusahaan game. Alhasil berhari-hari saya tidak pulang dari kantor hanya untuk main game online gratis dan juga blog ini terlantar beberapa hari.

image source : thinkstock

Berbicara soal game, saya jadi ingat ketika saya sangat antusias untuk menjadi game developer. Tentu saja untuk menjadi game developer itu tidak mudah. Nah bagi bagi Anda yang ingin atau memiliki antusias yang sama dengan saya diwaktu lampau, saya punya sesuatu yang menarik untuk Anda, yaitu Ebook gratis untuk belajar membuat game. Here we go!

1. Making Games with Python and Pygame by Al Sweigart

A programming book that covers the Pygame game library for the Python programming language. Each chapter gives you the complete source code for a new game and teaches the programming concepts from these examples. This book was written to be understandable by kids as young as 10 to 12 years old, although it is great for anyone of any age who has some familiarity with Python.
Download here

2. Creating a Simple 3D Game with XNA

This tutorial is designed to provide a guide to using XNA to help create games in as simple and a visual way as possible. Examples of all of the basic elements to get started on a simple game are included, including controls, sound, and gameplay.
Read online here

3. Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson 

If you're ready to jump into the world of programming for games, Beginning C++ Through Game Programming will get you started on your journey, providing you with a solid foundation in the game programming language of the professionals.
 Read online

4. Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

This book is a series of tutorials to help new users learn Blender. The tutorials increase in difficulty, and later tutorials build on the lessons in previous ones. Therefore, Blender beginners should follow the tutorials in sequence. 
Read online

5. Introduction to Programming Through Game Development Using Microsoft XNA Game Studio by Rob Miles

Learn the underlying skills and principles of software development as you design and build your first games for Xbox 360, Windows, and Zune. This curriculum teaches the fundamentals of C# programming and the XNA Game Studio framework.
Download here

Oke, mungkin hanya itu saja untuk kali ini, lain kali akan saya share yang lainnya ^^


  1. keren nih jadi bisa berkreasi ya kang :)

  2. hanya bisa menyimak, kalau untuk urusan membuat game saya nyerah deh !

    1. hahaha, tapi kalau urusan blogging lain cerita ya mas :D

  3. di translete dong mas., hehehe
    pake bahasa inggris rada bingung itu mah.,
    hehehe.. kunjungan pertama mas.,

    1. pake asisten saya aja, ni dia http://translate.google.com :D

  4. urusan coding saya angkat tangaaan

  5. Wah mas terima kasih
    saya ijin sedot

  6. Wah ini dya.. ijin mencobanya mas (o) ,salam kenal juga yah :>)

