Selamat siang. Ah, akhirnya ada kesempatan juga untuk kembali posting dan blogging diantara kesibukan kerja. Hmmm, kali ini saya hanya ingin berbagi informasi mengenai Japan Education Fair 2013 yang akan di selenggarakan di Jakarta dan Surabaya. Tentu saja ini merupakan kesempatan bagus bagi siapa saja yang memiliki keinginan untuk melanjutkan belajar ke Jepang. Dan yang terpenting Gratis!

japan education fair 2013

1. Objective

This Fair is designed to provide Indonesian students and educators with up-to-date and correct information about the Japanese higher education and research by the participating institutions and organizations in order to help the students select an appropriate school and achieve their academic pursuits, thereby promoting study in Japan.

2. Venue and Dates

Sheraton Surabaya Hotel (Jl. Embong Malang 25-31, Surabaya, Indonesia)
October 26 (Sat.) 2013  9:30~16:00

Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center (Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia)
October 27 (Sun.) 2013  10:30~17:00


3. Audience

High school and university students wishing to study in Japan, and educational administrators

4. Sponsors and Supporters

1) Sponsors:
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
Association Alumnus from Japan (PERSADA)

(2) Supporters:
Embassy of Japan in Indonesia
Consulate-General of Japan in Surabaya

(3) Cooperation:
The Japan Foundation, Jakarta

5. Program, Service, and Responsibility of Exhibitors

(1) Reference service and distribution of brochures
Exhibitors shall show reference materials and distribute school catalogs and brochures.

(2) Individual consultation
Universities and colleges participating in the Fair shall give advice to people who intend to study in Japan concerning their educational system, educational programs, admission procedures, and characteristics, etc. and also provide information about the future partnership between Japanese and Indonesian universities.  Other exhibiting organizations provide information about their programs for consultation.

(3) Orientation
Video presentation for studying in Japan by JASSO, explanation of Japanese Government Scholarship by Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, and so on.

6. Exhibitors (Universities and Japanese Language Institutes)

Poster for 2013 Japan Education Fair (Indonesia)(1) Surabaya: List of Exhibitors (PDF: 101KB)
(2) Jakarta: List of Exhibitors (PDF: 91KB)

So, jangan lupa hadir dan share ke teman ya ^^



Susunan Acara

Booth Layout JEF 2013

List of Participant JEF 2013


  1. Makasih informasinya, ada teman yang kebetulan pernah bicara soal sekolah ke Jepang, akan saya share ke teman saya.

  2. aku pengen tapi umurku sudah tidak memadahi.

    1. tidak ada kata terlambat untuk belajar kang hehehe

  3. Dulu semangat saya belajar bahasa Jepang menggebu, seiring perjalanan waktu jadi lemah. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang minat.

    1. sama seperti saya yang terkadang stuck dengan komputer hehe
      yah kadang kita juga perlu beralih ke bidang lain sih biar ga bosen :D

